Resources & updates

Resources & updates2022-11-10T11:31:09-05:00

Keep on top of member updates and important issues, trends and
regulatory changes that impact your clients and your business.

CRA cautions against TFSA maximizer schemes

May 20, 2021|From government and Parliament|

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is warning Canadians about participating in tax schemes where promoters are claiming that individuals can transfer funds out of their registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or registered retirement income fund (RRIF) into a tax-free savings account (TFSA) without paying taxes and without regard to the annual TFSA contribution limit.

CALU submission on draft legislation governing ELHTs

May 14, 2021|Submissions and Presentations|

In this submission CALU will comment specifically on modifications to the “25%/75%” test for key employees so it will be determined at the trust (plan) level; changes that permit up to $2,500 for funding the costs of private health services plans (PHSPs) for key employees and family members; and other matters relating to the provision of health and welfare benefits for employees of small businesses.

Celebrating our volunteers

April 22, 2021|Announcements and media releases|

National Volunteer Week is a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions made by Canada’s volunteers. CALU has a particularly proud history as a volunteer-driven organization; over 100 members volunteer on CALU’s 18 committees, issue groups and, of course, our board of directors.

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