In the news

CALU in Investment Executive article

Investment Executive article “Budget 2023 could target wealthy Canadians, experts suggest” includes quotes from CALU Tax Advisor Kevin Wark on Budget 2023 and related topics. View the article

February 23, 2023|Categories: In the news|

CALU in Advocis Forum magazine

Read the latest article from CALU Tax Advisor, Kevin Wark in the Advocis Forum magazine on how separation or divorce can affect your client's estate planning. Read the article

December 20, 2022|Categories: In the news|

CALU in Advocis newsletter

CALU tax advisor, Kevin Wark was featured in a recent Advocis newsletter with his article A Loss of Trust. He unravels a case that serves as a warning to business owners who are engaging in succession and tax planning to be scrupulous when transferring business assets to adult children. View the article

August 9, 2022|Categories: In the news|



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